June 13, 2006


I'm skipping Art Basel this year--got a trip to Iceland and all--with the result that I hear my foreigner neighbors watching TV all day across the courtyard. They may not be able to comply with a "reserved parking" sign, but they can sure cheer the hell out of a soccer game.

Anyway, I'm sad to be missing this art critic match-up tomorrow, which should be exciting, even if it ends 0-0. I know the concept of seeking out poor people--or critics, same thing--at Basel seems counter-intuitive, but take a chance on this one:

"Artworld Evolution, or Future Babylon?" A freeform conversation with art journalist Marc Spiegler and critic Jerry Saltz of the Village Voice.
Between a booming market, rapid internationalization and radical expansion, the artworld's border lines have become ever more ambiguous. But with collectors and artists curating shows, fairs functioning like biennials, gallery spaces playing kunsthalle, critics not criticizing, and auction houses hyping young stars, all the old roles and assumptions have gone wobbly. So, who will shape the future of art-making and who will shape the future of the art-market? And is there a difference between the two? Q&A follows.
Hmm, is the NYT liveblogging this?

June 14: Art Lobby, near the cafeteria in the Art Unlimited Hall, 17.30-19.00

art | posted by greg at June 13, 2006 8:02 AM