Whaddya gotta do to get a fair trial in this country??

Hmm. In order to run them through military tribunals, the guys (and kids) at Guantanamo are finally getting defense lawyers, which means they may finally be charged with something. Sounds like progress. On Google News, the link reads, “Prosecutor says tribunals will be fair,” but when you click through, the actual Wash Post headline reads, “Both sides say tribunals will be fair trials.” Of course, you’d expect them both to say that, since they both report to the Pentagon’s general counsel’s office.
What I didn’t expect is the chief defense attorney, Col. (I swear) Will A. Gunn, saying, “I immediately recognized the glamour position was that of chief prosecutor, the opportunity to be America’s hero.”
And speaking of glamour in the courts (and glaring shortcomings in the justice system), over at The Morning News, glamblogger Choire Sicha does a play-by-play of his stint on jury duty. Alas, he didn’t get picked for a trial.
I realize now, too late, that if only I’d been reading W, not The Believer, my own jury duty report and reflection would’ve been much spicier. Not that it’da been much use for the fellas in Guantanamo, though.