Gabriel Orozco’s computer animated film at Marian Goodman, which morphs through all 700-something color permutations of the paintings in the main gallery. It’s like Jeremy Blake-meets…Gabriel Orozco.
Shirin Neshat’s Zarin, in which a Muslim prostitute’s spiral descent into psychic delerium is revealed. May not be suitable for infant children. At Barbara Gladstone.
The Journal of Short Film is throwing a launch party for its first issue, Saturday at 3pm at Columbia. The JSF will present experimental and independent short films (are there any other kind? Yes, Hollywood vanity projects for career-switchers and sponsored shorts) in a DVD-based quarterly format. Check the website or this pdf invite for details.
And speaking of Jeremy Blake, you now have until Dec. 3 to see his exhibit at Feigen. His latest film, Sodium Fox, is a dazzling collaboration with poet/musician David Berman. [Good to know people are calling themselves poets again.] Also good to see the gallery of paintings, drawings, c-prints, and collages; it’s like buying a “making of” dvd and finding a bonus disc with the film on it.