New Dehli, New Orleans, They’re Both Foreign, Right?

Josh Marshall gets in on the Sforzian Backdrop fun by noticing the similarities between GWB’s post-Katrina speech in Jackson Square, and his nighttime speech to invited guests only at the zoo in New Delhi.
Here’s the AP’s Gerald Herbert’s shot of the set and the audience. [via yahoo news]
Meanwhile, no trip to the third world would be complete without some native dress, indigenous art, and dirt flooring. [image: reuters/jason reed via yahoo news]
Yet nothing can top this good old-fashioned Pakistani propaganda ministry welcome. I can’t imagine the Great Leader-style portrait cluster and the unadorned “PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH – A FRIEND OF PAKISTAN” banner is really Scott Sforza’s style. [image: reuters/jason reed via nyt]
Annals of Stagecraft [with bigger images,]