October 24, 2013

Collection Daniel Loeb

Collection Daniel Loeb, 2013

I'm inordinately pleased with this, especially the TION TOIN. So I'm now going to search around for some other stellar quotes from Christopher Wool collectors which can become paintings. Dan's a genius for this kind of stuff, though, he'll be hard to beat.

UPDATE: A few more after the jump. It feels like they're just scratching the surface.

Previously, related:Now a painting? Who do I think I am?
base image via #ChristopherWool/@Alipechman

Since 2001 here at greg.org, I've been blogging about the creative process—my own and those of people who interest me. That mostly involves filmmaking, art, writing, research, and the making thereof.

Many thanks to the Creative Capital | Warhol Foundation Arts Writers Program for supporting greg.org that time.

comments? questions? tips? pitches? email
greg [at] greg [dot ] org

find me on twitter: @gregorg

post info

first published: October 24, 2013.

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Forbidden Colors, By Felix Gonzalez-Torres

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