Ed Ruscha made a drawing in 1986 with the saying carved into the science building entrance of Hollywood High School. In 2022 (RED) and Gagosian used the drawing for a silk scarf edition by Massif Central, with (NET) proceeds going to equitable COVID relief around the world, matched by the Gates Foundation. Not sure if all that shophilanthropy is still in effect, but while science is still around, there are still scarves available at Artware.
[after thinking about it for five minutes update:] I think they really did just tack a $1000 premium on these (Red)scha scarves, and said, oh hey don’t worry about buying these scarves in a pandemic; we’re raising [sic] a million dollars.
Ed Ruscha Science Is Truth Found Out Scarf, ed. 500, $1,600 [artwareeditions]