Mark Leckey’s conversation with Charlotte Kent organized by the Brooklyn Rail brought the Siena show at the Met back to my mind today.
Which led me back a few weeks to a conversation between Siena curator Stephan Wolohojian and BR contributing editor Alex Nagel. Wolohojian was also the curator of Manet/Degas.
Among other things they talk about seeing “the other side” of these rarely moved panel paintings, a subject that’s always welcome here.
Some were painted to resemble a fantastical stone, like Simone Martini’s Christ Discovered in the Temple, from the Walker Art Gallery in Liverpool. Another, a Martini borrowed somehow from the Gardner Museum, was finished in silver.
Alex was a great editor and sounding board last year when I wrote a piece for the Rail on art & autocracy. Hard to imagine now how I ever thought that’d be a relevant subject.