While I Was (heh) Out

The following were not reasons for my not posting for five days:

  • Was walking the dog in the park at 4AM and “fell for a con” [Is that what they call it on Oz now, Kevin?]
  • Was hiring a hitman to ice my daddy-aged roommate.
  • Was skewering Plum Sykes’ book, Bergdorf Blondes so skilfully she may not even feel it. [Get it straight, people: THOSE SYKES’S ARE NOT TWINS.]
  • Was shopping for napkin rings with my bestest friend (we agreed it’s OK to see other people).
  • Was taking the 8 week-old kid to occupational therapy for sensory integration development.
  • The Breakfast Club: IndieWIRE Edition

    One by one, the bleary-eyed IndieWIRE staffers stumble into the room, looking in vain for the bagels and coffee.

    Where’s the spread? Who the f(*& schedules a meeting this early and doesn’t order breakfast?

    No one even looks up. Managing Editor WENDY MITCHELL, facedown on the table in a slowly expanding pool of drool, stirs briefly at the sudden noise, but doesn’t move. From this position, her jacket collar separates from her neck, which turns out to be covered with fresh hickeys..

    Nan da, korya!, baka-baka-shii jikan tsubushi. Hima ja nai, ore. Maa, jitsu wa hima da kedo…
    (wearily spitting out the punchline to an office joke gone stale) Suntory Time!
    Cut with the Lost in Translation, already.
    Ore no daihon was saisho datta! Sofia no Tokyo Story to zenzen chigau!
    Dude, she beat you to it. It’s over . She won.

    He headnods to WENDY, who still clutches a MoMA giftbag from the night before.


    Write about something else, Kahane. Move on.

    Continue readingThe Breakfast Club: IndieWIRE Edition”

    Online World According to Garp

    You know how, in The World According to Garp, Robin Williams buys a house right after a plane crashes into it, because, hey, what are the odds of that happening again?
    If you ascribe to a Garpian worldview, I invite you join me on Server30 at totalchoicehosting.com, where you’ll now be safe from DOS zombification and 5-day reconfiguration of all your websites.
    Of course, then your mother would only five years older than you, and that s#*& is just (%!$ed up, man.

    Cinderella Story

    The classic “Cinderella story” speech from Caddyshack was written as an interstitial camera shot…Ramis took Murray aside and said, “When you’re playing sports, do you everjust talk to yourselflike you’re the announcer?”
    Murray said, “Say no more,” and did his monologue in one take.
    – Tad Friend’s great piece on Harold Ramis in the New Yorker.

    When [I] asked about “the whole ‘Cinderella story’ from Caddyshack and that shot of Bill golfing under Mt. Fuji,” Sofia didn’t register. “I never saw it.”
    Buy Caddyshack on DVD and carry it around with you. Give it –and a stern talking to–to Sofia Coppola when you see her.
    Buy Murray’s book, titled–you guessed it–Cinderella Story: My Life in Golf. [Or don’t, if the “See Inside!” excerpt is any indication.]

    Bill Murray at BAM

    If you’re planning to bumrush Bill Murray tonight at BAM to pitch him your 12-page script [“INT – ASSISTANT GREENSKEEPER’S HOUSE – NIGHT”], you’re a bigger chump than your ex said you were: it was Tuesday.
    Don’t worry, you can still send a message “to” Bill at The Bill Murray Message Board, “just in case that actor ever visits this site”:

    Date: 2/12/2004 – 9:42 PM
    Name: Mickey
    Comments : I am, at this moment, watching you on Letterman. and was very touched by your “psychic pull” remark re: your six children. I, admittedly, teared up as you said it – I have two children. (& love them dearly a good part of the time.) However, we are feeling that the psychic pull is more of a HAUNTING as our son enters young adulthood. I think boys should be banned! Girls are moodier and in a much more “in your face mode” but manageable. My question is, how can our 20 year old son and his two roommates generate a $400.00 cable bill for one month? We live in Vermont – not frickin’ L.A.. Please do not reply. I have had two glasses of Kendall Jackson and have NEVER before posted a message to a board/chatroom (cmpd wd?)My husband is out of town and I am just exercising a wild hair.

    [4/21 Update: Check Joey’s play-by-play account of BAM’s Bill and Elvis Show at Tale of Two Cities. The line TOTC’s been waiting his whole life to hear from Jim Jarmusch (“It was so much fun getting Bill in a room with RZA and GZA.”) does absolutely nothing for me. I now feel very very stupid.]

    Jon Routson, they’re coming for YOU

    Police arrest 2 under new ‘anti-camcording’ law
    15 Apr 2004 10:07am EDT – By Jesse Hiestand
    The MPAA announced Wednesdaythe first arrests under a new California law targetting movie pirates who use camcorders in theaters. Min Jae Joun was arrested on suspicion of violating the anti-camcording law after theater personnel saw a red light from his camcorder during an April 10 screening of The Passion of the Christ at the Pacific Theatre at the Grove in Los Angeles. Joun’s next hearing date is May 5 in Los Angeles’ central arraignment court. Also arrested on suspicion of the misdemeanor charge was Ruben Centeno Moreno, who allegedly recorded The Alamo on April 12 at the Pacific Winnetka Theatre in the Chatsworth area of Los Angeles. A projectionist observed a light from the video camera and confirmed it using night-vision goggles, according to the MPAA. No hearing date has been set yet for Moreno. [via IMDb]

    If you can actually tell me which of the three highlighted parts of this story is the craziest, I’ll paypal you a dollar.
    Related: Jon Routson got a good, if cautionary, review for his current show of bootlegged films-as-art.

    Big News About WTC Memorial: Feh

    There was a day when a story like “Architectural Team Is Chosen for Trade Center Memorial” would be frontpage news.
    And there was a day when an LMDC statement like “[Building the memorial]’ would also likely require removal of some remnants of the former W.T.C.'” would set off alarm bells all over, seeing as how there are very few actual remnants left.
    And there was a day when a lengthy article in the Times castigating Daniel Libeskind’s Jewish Museum as a theme park of facile, emotionally manipulative kitsch–and a functional failure as a museum–would ignite a firestorm of debate.
    That day is not today.
    [Michael Kimmelman casts his critique as a cautionary tale for New York; but like belated credulous investigative journalism about WMD claims, this stuff would’ve been nice to hear before we got lured into Libeskind’s quagmire.]

    You know that guy?

    At that graduate writing lecture? The one on the front row of the auditorium, with the grimy totebags stuffed with sheafs of paper? The old dude, who kept asking about, didn’t you ever notice in Shakespeare’s Titus how…? and how Nabokov subconciously cribbed then referenced some German short story in both Lolita AND Pale Fire? The one who then pulls out some sweat-curled manuscript he’s been writing in his paperback-stuffed rent stabilized apartment on 108th st, where he’s figured out his Grand Unification Theory of Literature, if only you’ll read it, you’ll see that it’s…
    No, the other one, the one who keeps talking about Skull & Bones? Yeah, yeah, that’s him.
    Well, he has a 10,000-word column in the New York Observer. No, seriously. Like every week.


    [via kottke] Soldiers in Iraq: fighting to protect our–and their–right to share music and buy bootlegged DVD’s.
    Also noted: Troops greet each other with, “Who’s your Baghdaddy?” No mention made of Hajji. Ancient “Stairway to Heaven” still inexplicably popular.
    Line the reporter, Thom Shanker, is most pleased to see make the editor’s cut: “Let it be recorded: Soldiers assigned to civilization’s cradle will rock.”
    Related: Psyops playlists for Saddam, Noriega, Branch Davidians


    Still damp from that Prada encounter Sunday, Herbert Muschamp barely has time to come up for air before resuming the position he knows so well: kissing Diller & Scofidio’s ass. Is this really fit to print?
    Brad Renfro in Larry Clark's Bully, image:moviemaker.com13Musc gets worked up by the high colonic of glass and plasma screens D+S have planned for Lincoln Center’s West 65th St conduit, but he ignores the real news.
    Apparently, Diller+Scofidio went all HotPR4Third; the firm is now called Diller + Scofidio + Renfro. [italics mine; you never know with these design types.]
    That’s right, the expert on the “problematization of media spectacle in public space,”– and hot teen actor–Brad Renfro has joined the firm. No wonder Herb is swooning and lilting so hard.
    Brad Pitt to study architecture with Frank Gehry. [via towleroad]
    Brad Pitt’s top 3 architects: [greg.org, 10/02]

    Miuccia, Silvio. Silvio, Miuccia.

    Dan Flavin at the Prada Foundation, image: nytimes.comWTF? Herbert Muschamp in today’s NYT Magazine: “[Miuccia Prada] has made the world safe for people with overdeveloped inner lives. [I guess, by selling bagsful of $480 polo shirts to armies of style-free mooks and molls from Manhasset.
    [And by commissioning some hapless fop to recreate–and gut of all meaning beyond hip association through sheer and empty aestheticization–an actually controversial and culture-changing documentary by Pier Paolo Pasolini, which had already just been remade a couple of years before by some Italian TV producer.]”

    Continue reading “Miuccia, Silvio. Silvio, Miuccia.”

    Hook, Line and Sinker

    I usually confine my viewing of OLN, the Outdoor Life Network, to pen-to-pen coverage of the Professional Bull Riders Tour.
    But then, like a shiny object dancing before me, on-the-set production details for OLN’s Fishing With Roland Martin appeared on Josh Marshall’s Talkingpointsmemo:

    On Saturday, Bush and his father were to go fishing at the ranch’s bass pond with a crew from the Outdoor Life Network’s “Fishing with Roland Martin.”
    The White House approached the network about coming to film Bush, who is eager to cultivate an image as a sportsman with the millions of voters who hunt and fish. The crew was to bring its own boat for the shoot on the small pond. [emphasis added for ironic effect]

    I’d imagine Roland & Co. would need at least a month’s leadtime to put such a shoot together. Coincidentally, it’s been just over a month since White House producers–and sportsman voters–heard a report on NPR where “the hook-and-bullet crowd” voice opposition to the Bush administration’s environmental policies. Roland’s crew is joined this weekend by the NRA and conservative/moderate conservation groups mentioned in the story.
    Although manmade, Bush’s bass pond was not actually excavated for the shoot. The CSMonitor even mentions it in a WH Press Office-stocked feature on Bush’s Crawford ranch:

    A USA Today/CNN/Gallup poll shows that 55 percent of Americans believe four weeks is too long for a president to be away from Washington. Keenly aware of the image of a slough-off president – the Washington Post calculates that Bush has spent 42 percent of his presidency at vacation spots or en route – the White House refers to this as a “working” vacation. The president has planned about two trips a week to spread the gospel of “heartland values.” Last week, much of his time was taken up with the televised announcement of his stem-cell decision.
    Still, there’s no doubt the president is enjoying considerable down time. He’s gone on long, early morning walks with his wife, golfed with friends at a nearby course in Waco, fished, and jogged through canyons on his land – where he’s also building a nature walk. [emphasis added]

    The date of that article: August 14, 2001.

    Somewhere in Washington, A Jew is Drinking Water

    — and crying, because we bought the last bottle of Kosher for Passover Coke at the Safeway.
    Why? Because on Saturday morning, while all the Jews slept in their beds–with their appliances turned off–NPR broadcast a story about the little batch of Coke made with actual sugar instead of the Archer Daniels-Midland-preferred corn syrup [note: creepy link], and, in a fit of manufactured nostalgia, all the goys in town emptied the shelves of this sacred beverage.

    Speaking of Hard Work

    A Wednesday night visit to the West 46th Street spa supported both the guidebooks and the women’s accounts. Face down on a massage table, a reporter found it hard to even notice whose hands were at work.
    But when asked in Spanish, the masseuse said her name was Rosa, she was 19 and from Ecuador, and she had lived and worked there for a year and a half, seven days a week, for $300. That day, she had started at 10 a.m., and said she might finish at 2 a.m.
    “It’s hard,” she said.

    Women Complain of Hellish Life at Upscale Spa, by Nina Bernstein, NYT

    WTC Memorial Gets Back to Business

    David Dunlap reports in the NYT that the city’s powers that be are moving in on the WTC Memorial site: Some of the biggest development-savvy architecture firms are vying for the role of associate architect on the WTC Memorial. [Gothamist has links to the firms’ corporate sites.]
    Meanwhile, the LMDC announced a 24-person advisory committee for the Memorial Center, the 65,000SF underground space which will house artifacts from the attacks. Included on the committee is Lowery Stokes Sims of the Studio Museum in Harlem, a Memorial juror; the head of the Landmarks Commission; Tom Eccles, head of the Public Arts Fund; and Raymond Gastil, of the Van Alen Institute.