NO WAY: Did Sarah Palin Use Paris Hilton's Stylist??

UPDATE: NO WAY, says Lisa Kline's publicist. Check out the update at the bottom of the post.

UPDATE UPDATE: Now the NY Times has moved the Two Lisa Klines Theory ball down the field.

The payee for several of the fashion-related "campaign accessories" receipts included in this $150,000 Palin Shopping Spree is listed as Lisa L Kine of New York City. So far, I haven't found any such person at the address given in the report.

But there is Lisa Kline, whose Google result reads, "Lisa Kline boutique clothing has hot designer jeans and dress shirts inspired by celebrity fashion style. High-end fashion in Beverly Hills..." Indeed, Lisa Kline boutique is on Robertson Blvd, the, Ground Zero [sic] of celebrity fashion.

See more Paris Hilton videos at Funny or Die

Kline also just so happens to be the source of the leopard-print swimsuit Paris Hilton wore in her ad lampooning John McCain after he criticized Obama as a "celebrity." Please, please let this be the same person.


I forwarded this Vimeo clip from Lisa Kline's MySpace page to the owners of Pacifier, the Minneapolis baby store. They say they're "pretty sure" that is the Republican Party operative who came in and purchased Trig Palin's outfit a few hours before Sarah Palin's speech at the GOP Convention.

[mini-doc] - Lisa Kline from [city of others] on Vimeo.

Let that sink in for a minute. I have a phoneathon for the kid's preschool to attend.

UPDATE: Lisa Kline says NO WAY, she's not Lisa Kline. Or at least Lisa Kline's publicist says Lisa Kline isn't Lisa Kline. I spoke with Lisa Kline of Beverly Hills' publicist, who said that, while she wishes she could take the publicity, it's not her Lisa Kline. In fact, her Lisa Kline has never even been to Minneapolis, and she couldn't have dressed Sarah Palin because Lisa Kline boutique doesn't sell suits. Also, if I wanted, she could suggest some great items from Lisa Kline's baby store on Robertson for little Trig Palin for my story. So I guess that clears that up.

I also just spoke with Jon from Pacifier again, and he's still pretty sure that the woman he sold Trig's outfit to looks and sounds like Beverly Hills Lisa in her MySpace video. I guess we'll wait for the real [sic] Lisa Kline to step forward and accept her accolades from the world's media.

update update:: it's not 100% yet, but the NY Times' Caucus Blog makes a rather persuasive, data-based case that there are two Lisa Klines, one for Paris Hilton, and an entirely other one for Sarah Palin. They have different middle initials and everything.

Since 2001 here at, I've been blogging about the creative process—my own and those of people who interest me. That mostly involves filmmaking, art, writing, research, and the making thereof.

Many thanks to the Creative Capital | Warhol Foundation Arts Writers Program for supporting that time.

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first published: October 22, 2008.

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Sarah Palin's Shopping Spree Is So September 10th

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Schoolhouse Rock The Vote

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