Sarah Palin's Shopping Spree Is So September 10th

OK, I started picking at Politico's $150,000 Palin Family shopping spree on Daddy Types. There was an obviously inaccurate claim that the GOP had spent $295 on a sweet ride for Trig Palin at a baby store called Steiniauer & Stroller. Now I know you can't get a sweet stroller or $300, so I was skeptical.

Turns out Steinlauer & Stoller is a sewing supply store in New York City. The RNC must use a receipt scanner to put together their monthly Schedule F form detailing all their expenses. [via josh green at the atlantic]

And this whole $4,900 for Todd Palin's clothes at Atelier, "a high-class shopping destination for men"? Uh-uh.

Turns out the address of Atelier is not in Minneapolis, but "7th & 47th, New York." There is nothing high-class about that neighborhood at. all. If Atelier were a store, it's a crappy Going Out Of Business NOW! suit mill. I'm sure it's not a coincidence, though, that Atelier Designers, a trade show of women's fashion designers, was ensconced in seven floors of the Doubletree Inn--at the corner of 7th & 47th.

Some things don't add up, though; Atelier '09 was showing spring collections, not fall [aka campaign season]. And though the official dates for the show were Sept. 13-15, during Fashion Week, the RNC's receipt has a date of 9/10/2008.

But Sept. 10th is also the date given for the big $75,000 Neiman Marcus spree in Minneapolis, which clearly outfitted the Palin clan for their appearance on stage Sept. 3rd.
And Sept. 10th is also the date given for the campaign's $98 purchase at Pacifier, the Minneapolis baby store where I confirmed the RNC shopped on Sept. 3rd.

So more likely Sep. 10th was the day McCain campaign official Jeff Larson handed off his previous week's receipts. Which still leaves a bit of mystery what "campaign accessories the RNC bought on Sept 3 at a trade show that wasn't taking place for another two weeks. Perhaps some campaign staffer's sister was debuting her collection of handpainted scarves and got a little help paying for her trade show booth?

Since 2001 here at, I've been blogging about the creative process—my own and those of people who interest me. That mostly involves filmmaking, art, writing, research, and the making thereof.

Many thanks to the Creative Capital | Warhol Foundation Arts Writers Program for supporting that time.

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first published: October 22, 2008.

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McCains For Obama

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NO WAY: Did Sarah Palin Use Paris Hilton's Stylist??

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