The Woman in the Hefty Bag Speaks

hurricane_garbagebag_dechillo.jpg“We are starting to go buggy, just getting on one another’s nerves,” Mrs Mildred Mauney, 81, told The New York Times, after spending the night with some strangers in a classroom-turned-shelter in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.
Whatever, Millie. Join the club. Mrs. Mauney’s must-have accessory for evacuating their mobile home, an inflated trash bag, reminded me of a Bill Cunningham snap of hard-core fashion muse Isabella Blow that was used to illustrate a NYT street photography story in 2002.
I can’t believe that just two years ago, I would’ve mused so hard on Walter Benjamin, Jean Paul Gaultier, “accidental” street photography, and documentary film staging.
“Well, you have to be a nut, kid.” [, oct. 2002]