!!! LOSE 6 LBS IN *30 MINUTES** !! Guaranteed*
*Note: those 30 minutes are the duration of your movie, spread out across 10 days of editing. Also, if you were to position a mini-fridge near your editing station, you are guaranteed to gain 6 lbs instead. (I *have* lost 6lbs by sitting, nearly inert, for 10 days, BTW. At a final fitting yesterday it was noticeable enough to provoke concern from the tailor. TMI, I guess.)
Back to the movie: The rough cut is now complete, rough apparently translating to, "twice as long as it's supposed to be." Jonah, Alice and I tried to watch it last night on his iMac, but the program was temperamental; I brought the hard drive home to debug and check the filepaths, settings, etc.
It's slightly daunting, the idea of having to cut half the movie out, although that's a somewhat false crisis; on the last three scenes, I left in almost entire takes, easily 5-8x longer than we'd ever use. That should mean an easy 7-8 minutes, leaving a hard 7 minutes to cut. Figure half of that will come from overall tightening; that means cutting out 3-4 minutes of script. Can it be done? Yes. Will it be done by Friday? I hope so. The submission deadline for the IFP/West LA Film Festival is Friday.