In addition to what I wrote on Gothamist,
1. Do these nominees follow theI would add a big 4. There is no Elephant is this room. That's more than a Punch-Drunk Love-level snub. I think Gus Van Sant has completely replenished his indie cred. [1/31 update: The Observer's Philip French clearly doesn't vote in the Academy; he calls Elephant "a chilling tour de force."]ZapfZipf distribution? It seems like they're either mega-blockbusters or tiny independent films. Granted, many so-called "indie" films are made by the studio-owned mini-majors, aka Dependents, but still.2. I'm burning through like $10/day on Google ads for people who misspell Sofia Coppola. She's now famous enough to have her name spelled correctly. I'm sure the kids from Spellbound would agree, if they weren't all in some rehab program for washed up child stars.
3. Is Cold Mountain the first movie edited with Final Cut Pro to be nominated for Best Editing?