Issue of 2004-04-12
Posted 2004-04-05
COMMENT/ RELUCTANT WITNESSES/ Hendrik Hertzberg on how the White House still isnít co–perating with the September 11th commission.
THE RADIO DIAL/ DUMBASSIFICATION/ Elizabeth Kolbert on the dÈbut of Chuck Dís public-radio show.
ON THE HORN/ 976-GONE/ Nick Paumgarten on New Yorkís information-hotline king.
PEPE LE PEW DEPT./ BRUSH-OFF/ Liesl Schillinger on the French, foreign relations, and drinking in the city. ["Or maybe it was a question of chic. I do not know." -How often have I asked myself this question?]
NAME GAME/ READY, ATTACK!/ Ben McGrath on title overlaps in fiction and nonfiction.
ANNALS OF NATIONAL SECURITY/ Seymour M. Hersh/ The Other War/ Why Afghanistan is going badly. ["As of today, Clarke said, 'the U.S. has succeeded in stabilizing only two or three cities. The President of Afghanistan is just the mayor of Kabul.'"]
FICTION/ Ann Beattie/ "The Rabbit Hole as Likely Explanation"
POP MUSIC/ Sasha Frere-Jones/ Doomís Day/ Madvillain redeems the pretensions of independent hip-hop.
BOOKS/ Spheres of Influence/ Nicholas Lemann/ How the government helped build Americaís media might.
THE THEATRE/ John Lahr/ Hide and Seek
Tricks and treachery in "Sly Fox" and "Sarah, Sarah."
THE CURRENT CINEMA/ David Denby/ Feel the Earth/ "Iím Not Scared" and "Twentynine Palms."
PROFILES/ Without a Doubt/ Nicholas Lemann profiles Condoleeza Rice/ Issue of 2002-10-14
PROFILES/ The Counter-Terrorist/ Lawrence Wright profiles the F.B.I. agent John OíNeill, who died in the September 11th attacks on the World Trade Center/ Issue of 2002-01-14