Issue of 2004-05-24
Posted 2004-05-17
AT THE MUSEUMS/ A PICASSO FACE-LIFT/ Calvin Tomkins admires "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon."
THE PICTURES/ WRECKED AGAIN/ Tad Friend considers the cityís prime place in the disaster-film genre.
DRY RUN DEPT./ SH-H-H/ Leo Carey hears a silent movement performed on the piano.
DEPT. OF PREVENTION/ PITCHING RUBBERS/ Ben McGrath on a South African cast of talking prophylactics.
COMMENT/ UNCONVENTIONAL WAR/ Hendrik Hertzberg on the consequences of bending the rules of engagement.
ANNALS OF NATIONAL SECURITY/ Seymour M. Hersh/ The Gray Zone/ The secret Pentagon program at Abu Ghraib.
SHOUTS & MURMURS/ Ian Frazier/ No. Please, No
A REPORTER AT LARGE/ David Grann/ The Squid Hunter/ One manís obsession with a sea monster.
FICTION/ Jhumpa Lahiri/ "Hell-Heaven"
THE WAYWARD PRESS/ Buffalo Tim/ The child is father to the dad.
POP MUSIC/ Sasha Frere-Jones/ Fireworks/ Nellie McKay renews what is old and hurls herself at what is new.
THE SKY LINE/ Paul Goldberger/ High-Tech Bibliophilia/ Rem Koolhaas's new library in Seattle is an ennobling public space.
DANCING/ Joan Acocella/ Sylvia Grows Up/ Mark Morris remakes a ballet.
THE CURRENT CINEMA/ Anthony Lane/ Creating Monsters/ "Van Helsing" and "Control Room."