Has he shrunk out of sight? Daniel Libeskind was notably absent from David Dunlap's NYT report of architects vying for the commission to design the cultural buildings at the World Trade Center Site. Maybe he's automatically in the running. After all, the museum images we all refer to right now are the cantilevered crystalline forms in Libeskind's original proposal.
But, in what is by now standard operating procedure for the Port Authority- and LMDC-run rebuilding effort, flaws and shortcomings are being found in yet another element of the master plan. Dunlap's article looks at options and challenges for moving the museums, now that obstructing a promenade between Calatrava's train hub and the Winter Garden, and looming 15 stories over the Memorial entrance doesn't seem like that great an idea.
Plan May Be Too Much of A Good Thing [NYT]