Just a quick and heartfelt thanks to the wide-ranging advertisers on greg.org. Be sure to show them that yes, in fact, money can buy them love, or a reasonable facsimile:
Fleshbot Films' debut DVD, Necromania, "directed" by "director" Ed Wood [I mean, can you imagine what the makegoods are like over at Fleshbot? Why not stand at attention for them?]
KevinKringle.com, of the North Pole Kringles [A funwhat cryptic site for now, but I'm sure there's more coming. After all, do you think that Necromania DVD can play itself? Don't answer that.]
MoMA's Junior Associates, who are the 'P' in VIP, and who may be your best chance for getting your junior butt into the opening festivities for the new building. Besides, their dues are barely more than the new admission fee.
Arcadia University Art Gallery, which is currently showing Olafur Eliasson's Your colour memory. Eliasson was just named the 29th most powerful person in the art world, which should cinch the deal right there.