If the last cremation you watched was in Diamonds Are Forever, now's your chance to get up to speed and stick it to Islamic fundamentalist terrorism at the same time.
In the event one of the many death threats he received over Submission, his short film decrying abuse of Muslim women, panned out, Dutch filmmaker Theo Van Gogh said he wanted a public cremation. Unfortunately, he's getting his wish today at 1700h Amsterdam Time, CET, (or 1100 EST).
The Nederland 2 TV network is carrying the event live online, starting at 1650h, which is in like an hour.
Related [??] [Montgomery Advertiser, via Defamer]: "Hagman has stipulated that upon his death, he wants his body to be ground in a wood chipper and scattered in a field, where wheat is to be harvested for a cake to be eaten by his friends and family one year later...." [and if that's not enough to make you want to live forever, read on...]