From Hennessy & Papanek's classic 1973 hippie DIY book, Nomadic Furniture comes the "Resource Tower":
It organizes living space in a radically different way. Usually we put bookcases and storage walls all over the room's walls. We suggest [as shown in the lower plan] that getting it all together in the center of the room makes an interesting alternative.

The project is named after Jade Jagger and promised "Jade Living" [sic] at its finest. As Triple Mint explains the tiny galley kitchens, "These pods are a kind of tacit admission that many people in New York end up living like global nomads." Yeah, except that, back in the day, the nomads didn't buy their plywood pods already made and lacquered in Jade-picked colors; they built them their own damn nomadic selves.
Jade by Jagger [triple mint via curbed, whose commenter made the plywood call]
resource tower image via the exhaustively interesting The Legacy of The Urban Nomads