Introducing The Suck Cola Registry

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The Suck Cola Registry # SC0005, originally uploaded by gregorg.

In 1996, I went to some weird little Internet expo at the New York Coliseum. The folks from were there, and I got this bottle of Suck Classic Cola. It was my first piece of WWW swag [no one really said "dotcom" yet in 1996 who didn't work for Time Magazine.]

I know of one other bottle. At least until he quit, it was on the bookshelf in a friend's office at Time Warner [which, ironically, was built on the site of the NY Coliseum]. Except for three <3-hour periods when I moved, and this morning when it dropped on my foot, mine has been in my refrigerator since 1996.

1996 was the year Suck memorialized Coca Cola's beautiful utter failure of Gen X marketing, OK Soda by calling for OK fans to send them cans, promotional materials, even vending machines.

It is in that spirit, but without a bunch of old Coke bottles coming to me, that I hereby inaugurate The Suck Cola Registry, a virtual gathering of all the world's remaining bottles of Suck Cola.

If you have a bottle or know of a bottle of Suck Cola, please add it to the Registry. by providing the following data:

Cola Owner
Cola Photo [jpg or URL]
Cola Location [i.e., city/state/country, not "in a box in my storage unit"]

After your Cola information is reviewed and validated, you will be issued a Suck Cola Registry Number. I have designated my bottle SC0005, having reserved the first four Registry Numbers, SC0001-SC0004, for co-founders Joey Anuff and Carl Steadman. Thank you.

Related: 10 OK Soda cans [empty] in various designs and excellent condition, currently $1 on eBay

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Man, I loved back in the day.

My shining moment was when I got one of my emails published in the Fish section.

Now I'm going to have to spend the next two weeks trolling through those archives to find that. :-]

Since 2001 here at, I've been blogging about the creative process—my own and those of people who interest me. That mostly involves filmmaking, art, writing, research, and the making thereof.

Many thanks to the Creative Capital | Warhol Foundation Arts Writers Program for supporting that time.

comments? questions? tips? pitches? email
greg [at] greg [dot ] org

find me on twitter: @gregorg

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first published: May 15, 2008.

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Oh Wow. Captain & Tenille & Lawrence & Welk

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