A Sharp Sticker Car In The Eye


The day I watched the video of Jeff Koons' crew wrapping the vinyl decals on his BMW Art Car was also the day I surfed across Little Lamb, Richmond artist/musician Sara Gossett's awesome blogspot compendium of psychedelia [which has lately been supplanted by a tumblr.]

Home for Christmas, Sara was presented with her dad's collection of Eye Magazines, from which she culled just a few of the most incredible countercultural images. Eye was Hearst magazine's demographic play for the youth market of 1968-9, the MTV Generation's parents. It was the Domino and Vitals of its day, with all that entailed. Which means it lasted for just 15 issues.

Among Sara's finds: this incredible car-decorating photoshoot. Look familiar? No, seriously. Look familiar? Let me help read you read the caption: "Finished! Time: four hours and seven minutes (the seven minutes to blow up the balloons)." [emphasis added on the most Koonstastic part]


Alas, as a visually inspired type, Sara had no text, or info about the shoot, or even what issue it was in. With some digging, though, I think I found it: Eye, Vol. 1, Issue #1 from, wow, March 1968, the September 10th of the Sixties:

"The Almost-Instant-Flamboyant-Fluorescent-Decal-Decorated Car"

Like I said, sound familiar? I asked a friend who is well-versed in such things, and he identified the car as, not a BMW, but a Lancia Fulvia. If any was involved, the artist's name is currently unknown. But I bought the cheaper of the two copies of the magazine from the web, so we should know in 5-8 business days.

UPDATE: Uh-oh, could this be true? From a completed ebay.ch auction: "Why is this Man Smiling? Peter Max - 3 pages of Peter's artwork on cars"!


Eye Magazine, 1968 [hello little lamb, thanks sara]

Since 2001 here at greg.org, I've been blogging about the creative process—my own and those of people who interest me. That mostly involves filmmaking, art, writing, research, and the making thereof.

Many thanks to the Creative Capital | Warhol Foundation Arts Writers Program for supporting greg.org that time.

comments? questions? tips? pitches? email
greg [at] greg [dot ] org

find me on twitter: @gregorg

post info

first published: June 8, 2010.

next older post:
How To Make A Jeff Koons BMW

next newer post:
Prints: I Did An Edition With 20x200.com. It Comes Out Tomorrow.

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