Via Wayne Bremser comes this nice interview with Doug Rickard, who talks about his Google Street View photo project, A New American Picture. Rickard is in HERE, an exhibit of at Pier 24 Photography in San Francisco. [Bremser's notes on HERE are here.]
UPDATE Rickard also led Ken Johnson's NYT review of New Photograpyh 2011, where his GSV photos are called "the most intriguing conceptually" in the vein "revolv[ing] around photography's relationship to truth." Johnson's read of Rickard's "strangely blurry and bleached, high-angle pictures of decrepit urban and suburban neighborhoods identified with high poverty and crime rates" make you wonder if he actually got the concept:
Resembling stills from surveillance videos, the images speak to the kind of forensic truth that concerns law-enforcement personnel.
Previously: On Bremser's notes on Street View
on Doug Rickard at MoMA's New Photography 2011