There is a review of Richteriana in this week's DER SPIEGEL [22/2012]. Google doesn't do tone, so who really knows, but it sounds alright. There's not a link or an English version of the Spiegel review yet, but I"ll add them as they appear.
It's written by Ulrike Knoefel, the art critic whose article about "the separate and secret museum" of destroyed Gerhard Richter paintings provided the impetus [and imagery] for my paintings.
I like that she noted,
Der Hinweis darauf, dass die nicht mehr vorhandenen Richter-Gemälde heute viele Millionen wert wären, brachte Allen dazu aus seinem Werk über Richter auch ein Werk über den Kunstmarkt zu machen.And of course, then there's the part about how, "Letzlich hat er ebenfalls große Konzeptkunst geschaffen."
If I want my Konzeptkunst to be really große, I may have to go all in, and decide to destroy whichever of the Destroyed Richter Paintings the market doesn't take. While supplies last.