So tomorrow evening, Friday, I'll be speaking at Printed Matter. If anyone reading this is in town and interested, I hope you'll stop by. Bring a fan, though; it gets hot in there.
Eric Doeringer and I will be discussing appropriation and artist books, though he's already won the night, merch-wise, thanks to his two new titles he's launching. Fellow Prince appropriator Hermann Zschiegner will be moderating.
The whole evening, which starts at 6:30, is part of HELP/LESS, Chris Habib's frankly awesome-looking show of authorship, originality, reproduction, and appropriation, which is taking over the whole store this summer. If you can't make the talk, you should still swing by to see the show.
Eric Doeringer + Greg Allen/ Book Launch + Discussion [printed matter's facebook invite for the event]
HELP/LESS, curated by Chris Habib []
Previously, related: Untitled (300x404), a print after Richard Prince
Canal Zone Richard Prince Yes Rasta: The Book