Cover, "Why We Should Talk About Cady Noland", a zine published by Brian Sholis in 2004, image:
It's been a while since I've put up an edition of Better Read, audio works made from worthwhile art texts read by a machine. But yesterday I listened to "Why We Should Talk About Cady Noland," Brian Sholis' 2004 zine essay while I was working, and I decided to clean it up for public enjoyment. Which basically involves extra punctuation marks to smooth the flow, and tweaking the spellings so the computer voice will read French or German plausibly.
As the title implies, Sholis's essay argued for the continued relevance of Noland's work and writing at a time when firsthand encounters with both were hard to come by. Now it's also a useful reminder that there's more to talk about than auction prices and lawsuits.
Better Read #004: Brian Sholis on Cady Noland 20150810.mp3 [dropbox, mp3, 25.5mb, 14:36]
Original text: Jan. 20, 2004: Cady Noland []
Previous Better Reads: #003 - Rosalind Krauss; #002 - Ray Johnson; #001, the ur-Better Read - W.H. Auden>