Speaking of epic editions from the 1990s at The Renaissance Society, they have Felix Gonzalez-Torres’ tattoo, “Untitled” (1992), available. Proceeds from the unlimited edition support the Renaissance Society and the Felix Gonzalez-Torres Foundation. [status update: it’s complicated.]
This has long been on the top of my list of artist tattoos I would have gotten, had I gotten a tattoo, and I have considered getting it several times over the years. At some of those times, when I was getting close, I felt like the tattoo was not readily or easily available.
At some point, it felt like I missed a window in which the Renaissance Society offered it. That window is now open, but I find this level of engagement with the work has been sufficient for me. The description says, “you may also gift the tattoo,” so if I need to level up, I’ll just find someone who wants it.

By now the Felix Gonzalez-Torres Foundation has published documentation of at least six of at least twenty realizations of the tattoo—including Nancy Spector’s—and I love this exceptional variation, where two people got mirrored rings of dolphins around their forearms. I think Felix would be pleased.
Felix Gonzalez-Torres, “Untitled”, 1992, tattoo, unlimited edition, $300 [store.renaissancesociety.org]
“Untitled” 1992, with six of at least 20 installs documented [felixgonzalez-torresfoundation.org]
Previously, very much related: Artist Tattoos I Have Not Collected, 2009