Check In Kiev

Artforum reports today that The Art Newspaper reported Tuesday that the Washington Post reported that Ukrainian mogul/collector Viktor Pinchuk is the "fourth stakeholder" in the made-up "sale" of Damien Hirst's £50 million diamond skull.

What no one reports, though, is that the Post published this claim over a month ago in a feature story by Their Man in Ukraine, John Pancake, about a Pinchuk-backed Hirst "retrospective" in Kiev. Pancake did not make any characterization of his source, treating it as a passing fact. [The only Pinchuk-related source Pancake's piece is Pinchuk Art Center director Eckhard Schneider, whose appointment was announced last fall in a press conference where the collector also admitted he was a repeat buyer at Hirst's landmark Sotheby's auction.]

I won't speculate why it took the art world press more than a month to find out about an art story in the Washington Post. As for the reported sale of the skull "to a group of investors" in 2007, though, it would be nice if anyone could report what actually happened: that the "investors" who supposedly bought the Hirst from Hirst, his manager, and his dealer, were Hirst, his manager, and his dealer.

The involvement of an outsider, even as a minority "investor" whose percentage of ownership is then used, venture capital-style, to calculate the valuation of the venture. But with dozens or more transactions, charity auctions, and exhibitions between Pinchuck and Hirst, Pinchuk's would hardly be considered an arms-length transaction.

And so the skull's sole conceptual triumph--as a manipulative value distortion field which renders art and pop journalists powerless--continues.

Previously: Damien Hirst skull how-to photos
Also: No way that thing cost $20 million to make

Since 2001 here at, I've been blogging about the creative process—my own and those of people who interest me. That mostly involves filmmaking, art, writing, research, and the making thereof.

Many thanks to the Creative Capital | Warhol Foundation Arts Writers Program for supporting that time.

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first published: June 11, 2009.

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Wait, What? Mrs Jeff Lubin Closed Mrs John L. Strong?

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