In theGuardian, Steven Brook puffs the Gene Kelly VW ad and provides a very little background, like that Kelly's widow had to approve of the ad, as did Turner and EMI, who control the elements of the movie scene. [See, I guess at the heart of my idea of who'd decide this stuff for my dead self is that I don't want only people with commerical interest in the outcome to make the decisions.]
Anyway, there's an Access Hollywood-level description of the CG process, where they reshot the original scene and masked Kelly's face over the dancer. Irrelevant press packet factoid: the ad was shot on the same Shepperton soundstage as Oliver! [what, it's been mothballed for 40 years just waiting for a worthy freakin' car ad to come along?]
Also, "an interactive version of the advert will launch in late February. Its content will include a video of the car, footage of the making of the ad, and the song." Interactive? Does that mean we can all take the controls in our own version of Being Gene Kelly? Not bloody likely. "People will be able use the interactive advert to request a test drive of the car."
Blingin' In The Rain [guardian, via tmn]