For the 1993 Venice Biennale, PS1 produced an exhibition of and about John Cage's work calledIl Suono rapido delle cose. This week, WPS1 has added a webcast of the accompanying CD to their archive. The CD features performances by Lee Ranaldo, John Zorn, David Byrne, Joey Ramone, among many others, interspersed among Cage reading his own stuff. Definitely worth checking out. [warning: don't expect any babies to sleep through Ranaldo's jarring chords.]
Meanwhile, the Cageian embrace of randomness is alive and well on WPS1's blogs [who knew?]. It seems there are 13 feeds-in-one, although not all have been kept up to date. Upbeat updates from one blogger's happy Scandinavian/Los Angeleno curatorial collaboration called Civic Matters are interlaced with another blogger/dj's virtual spitting on Rehnquist's grave. It may be a perfect embodiment of the WTF-chaos that gives PS1 its edge.