Guy Debord's films have been getting re-released on DVD; the late Spectacle-hating French theorist had pulled them from distribution in the 1980's when, well, when they weren't succeeding in destroying the neo-capitalist movie industry from within, I guess.
"He was against film when it was a symptom of the bourgeois order, an oppressive instrument of capital, a soul-destroying high mass," writes [Le Monde's> Jean-Luc] Douin. "But he agreed to use film to extend his written work.""Dans le cinÈma, Debord s'est toujours proposÈ de ne rien faire de ce qu'on y faisait, et de faire tout ce qu'on n'y faisait pas." Which is exactly what I was trying to explain to someone the other day.
Guy Debord, dynamiter le cinÈma par le cinÈma [le monde via artforum via the wit of the staircase] [via archinect]
Guy Debord: Contre Le CinÈma box set of 4 DVD's (region 2, heads up) and a 136-page book is due out Nov. 8. Pre-order it for EUR60 []