
Braveheart screencapture from the villagevoiceForget the Matrix-colored glasses; now it’s time to look at films in terms of good old-fashioned medieval religion. Apparently, The Passion of Christ was prophesied as far back as Mad Max 3. In the Voice, Jessica Winters follows a trail of little mustard seeds through twenty years of Mel Gibson’s films, which leads to the actor/director/producer’s longtime-coming Messiah Complex. It makes for sinfully entertaining reading. If Gibson didn’t already think I’m damned to hell for being Mormon, I’d be quaking in my spiritual boots for daring to question his piety.
[While I’m on the subject, when, exactly, did shooting wrap on The Passion? Sometime before the screenings Frank Rich didn’t get invited to, right? And when, exactly, did James Caviezel get struck by lightning on the set? Then why, exactly, is this getting reported now? Is Gibson actually God-baiting as well as Jew-baiting in the name of publicity?]

On Scripts

Salon is not only still publishing, they’re publishing the shooting script of the Ronald Reagan TV movie that the conservative closet cases wanted to see on Showtime (the Queer as Folk Network). It’s an 8Mb pdf. Of a TV Movie. Starring James Brolin. About Ronald Reagan. You’ve been warned.
[For an invigorating Reagan text, try Joan Didion’s prescient 1997 review of DiNesh D’Souza’s Ronald Reagan: How an Ordinary Man Became an Extraordinary Leader. It costs money, but it’s worth it.
For the definitive Reagan movie, buy or rent David O. Russell’s Flirting With Disaster, in which Reagan has two cameos: on the wall of Mel Coplin’s first adoptive “mom,” and on the tabs of acid of his real parents.]
In today’s Movie Issue of the NYT Mag, Lynn Hirschberg convenes a “roundtable” with two screenwriters, Brian Helgeland and Quentin Tarantino (Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown, the Silver Surfer convo airdropped into the middle of Crimson Tide) “share some wisdom about the screenwriting life.”
1) We always knew Tarantino’s too much of a loudmoth to pull off the Terence Malick thing. 2) How many participants actually constitute a roundtable? I want to know who couldn’t manage to stumble over to the Regent and run up the Times‘s bar tab. 3) Reason enough to read it in print: the Favorite Screenplays Speed Round, which runs along the bottom of the piece. I may have my data entry lackeys in Madagascar transcribe it for your illicit online pleasure.
Tarantino scripts online:
Kill Bill
Jackie Brown (pdf)
Pulp Fiction
Natural Born Killers early draft
Brian Helgeland scripts online:
Blood Work draft (pdf)
LA Confidential draft
The Postman early production draft (pdf) [heads up: think Kevin Costner, not Pablo Neruda]
Assassins draft, with the Wachowskis
The script’s not online, but a A Knight’s Tale is out on DVD. [Have a hard time keeping the similarly comical anachronism of A Knight’s Tale (“An InStyle Editor in King Arthur’s Court” starring Heath Ledger) and First Knight (“Ralph Lauren Camelot Collection” starring Richard Gere) straight? No problem. Amazon’s selling them together. Supplies are supposedly limited.
Think you can do better? Well, get Final Draft and start writing, script monkey.
[links via Daily Script and Screenplays For You]

Ennio Morricone, The Movie Music Man

In a Guardian interview, Ennio Morricone talks about composing music for films. My favorite of his theories: “The music in a film must enter politely, very slowly,” like an uninvited guest at a party. [Guess they raise a more genteel breed of gatecrashers in Italy.]
I’m the first to cop to being influenced by Morricone. While still on location for Souvenir (November 2001), I considered using some of his music for our soundtrack. Once the post-production party got underway, though, it was obvious that the beautiful, loaded track didn’t fit in at our gritty little party.
With a new 4-CD set, Io, Ennio Morricone, the composer’s not only looking to come in, he’s planning to stay for a while.

Giving Aid and Comfort to the Suburbanists

libeskind's building on top of the footprints.  don't get me started. image: nytimes.com
Shocked, shocked that Libeskind wants to build over the footprints image:nytimes.com

Welcome to the party, Herbert. Perhaps displeased with his own irrelevance in the design and rebuilding process of the World Trade Center site, the Times‘ Herbert Muschamp proclaims, “the time has come to examine in some detail the ground zero design process as it has unfolded in the last two years.” [I was going to say he “quixotically proclaimed,” but I’m a fan of Don Quixote; Muschamp wishes he was quixotic.]
What roused Muschamp from his critical slumber: extremely specific and unpleasing drafts of Daniel Libeskind’s “master plan,” which would formalize many controversial elements of Libeskind’s concept and foreclose a lot of future architects’ flexibility for the buildings they’re supposed to design.
Libeskind’s vision is for a skyline crowned with”glitzy, structurally inept towers,” which would look more appropriate in Houston. That’s not a compliment. Of course, it wasn’t a compliment when Paul Goldberger talked about it in July 2002, and it wasn’t a compliment when I flagged it last year as the endgame of a decade of the Houstonization of Manhattan.
The Libeskind plan had significant flaws from the beginning, but it’s the fruit of the poisoned tree that is Gov. Pataki and the Port Authority’s commerce-laden program for the site. This has all been known, if ignored, by the critical powers that be. Muschamp’s disingenuous cry is too little, too late.
The last significant chance to influence or change these guidelines is the Memorial Competition. The only credible refutation for this impending Houstonization is a memorial design that demands a recalibration of the priorities set by PA/Pataki/Silverstein and Libeskind. It may hurt to hear it, but any memorial design that accepts the Libeskind plan on its face means the suburbanists have already won.

On My Architect: The Path of Kahn

[STANDARD SPOILER ALERT] Despite what the global saturation ad campaign may imply, it’s better to approach My Architect as a spinoff–like a feature-length installment the Animatrix–not as a sequel. (That none of the actors from The Matrix films were in My Architect should’ve been my first clue.) Once I made this distinction, I was able to appreciate the movie much better; it turns out to be a moving, well-told story which happens to have an extremely misleading marketing strategy behind it. It’s the Shawshank Redemption of the Matrix Universe.
Louis Kahn, image: myarchitectfilm.comMy Architect is set in the previous iteration of The Matrix, slotting into the Timeline somewhere between 1963 and 1974, although it includes trips backward and forward in time. The One here is a filmmaker named Nathaniel Kahn and is also called The Only Son. And the movie follows him on his quest to understand the Big Questions about his existence and his relationship to The Architect, who doesn’t look like Colonel Sanders in this film, but ressembles instead a somewhat homelier Danny Kaye, complete with big Architect glasses and a bowtie.
While some characters in the film react badly to the idea, there’s never any suspense about whether The Architect is The One’s father. For one thing (no pun intended), his name is Louis Kahn. Frankly, I couldn’t tell who is The Oracle. In a plotline taken straight from Star Wars, The One learns he has siblings, sisters–half-sisters, really–who also grew up thinking they were The One. It made for confusing family lives, and The Architect led a nomadic existence, hopping from house to office to building site to house, ultimately alone, even among his three “families.” Unlike Star Wars, though, The One doesn’t almost inadvertently hook up with his sister.
Louis Kahn, image: myarchitectfilm.comThe Architect has uncompromising visions of a perfectly constructed world; the film tells many stories of his mighty battles with the forces of evil (called Clients, or in one case, Urban Renewal Planners). Ultimately, The Architect has to leave The Matrix itself, traveling to the then-new country of Bangladesh, where he harnesses the energy of the most un-plugged-in population on Earth to build his Capital. [This is a direct reference to the Animatrix episode about how the machines founded their country, 01, in a desolate corner of the Middle East.]
As we know from the movies, train stations figure prominently in the Matrix, and My Architect is no exception. The Architect dies of a heart attack in the men’s room at Penn Station. [This is not really a spoiler since the whole premise of the movie is The One’s search as an adult for The Architect/Father he barely knew as a child, his attempt to understand more about how The Architect spent his last moments, when, instead of being surrounded by at least one of his families, he collapsed alone in a bathroom.]
In a plotpoint that reminded me a bit too much of Kevin Smith‘s Dogma, where God goes temporarily AWOL because he (she, actually, since God is played there by Alannis Morrisette) went unrecognized in a hospital ICU, The Architect went unrecognized at the morgue for several days because he’s crossed the address off his passport. Nevertheless, both the enigma and emotional stakes faced by The One are touchingly conveyed, and this viewer found himself identifying freuqently with Nathaniel and his quest.
Louis Kahn, image: myarchitectfilm.comDid I say action scenes? Perhaps the most significant way in which My Architect varies from the Matrix formula is the utter and complete lack of action. Every time I thought, “here comes the big chase scene,” it was, “here comes another serene pan of a museum, library, and/or hall of parliament.” And while there were some tense moments, there weren’t any real fight scenes. Aunt Posie got pretty worked up, though, talking about her sister running off and having a baby like that. Just drives her up the wall.
Kudos, finally, to the set designers. The series has always been known for its production design, but the dreary technoworld of the previous movies is replaced here by a seemingly endless parade of luminous, inspiring spaces. Very Logan’s Run. I wonder who did them.
What Nathaniel learns–and what he teaches us, of course, even in the title of his film– is that the quest isn’t for The Architect, but for My Architect. While the other Matrix films seduce us with the threat of an insidious, all-pervasive, artificially constructed reality, Nathaniel shows how much more enmeshed we become in the reality we fabricate inside ourselves.
Nathaniel’s mother recognized the stigma of having a married man’s child as an externally imposed social construct, and she rejected it. Yet her survival hinged inextricably on her belief that Her Architect was always just a passport edit away from leaving his wife. By definition, Nathaniel the filmmaker traffics in constructed, edited reality. He’s aware of the wilfully childlike innocence of his objective (he included scenes of himself rollerblading around the Salk institute or chasing his paper yarmulke in the wind at the Wailing Wall, after all), and yet he spent five difficult, emotionally wrenching years pursuing it with his camera.
Why get all worked up about The Matrix when My Matrix is more revealing and engrossing?

Hajji doin?

An update on Hajji, the Arabic term for “pilgrim” which has become the GWII term for “enemy”: it looks like it’s not just for GWII anymore. I found a Jan. 2002 usage in a short piece by Lisette Garcia, who writes,

Tampons, alarm clocks and Kodak film were easy enough for me to negotiate at the local Hajji shop. But giving a regulation haircut was simply too foreign a concept in the middle of the desert.

Garcia’s talking about the original Gulf War, I think, which gives the term a bit of breathing room, at least as far as its original coiners are concerned.
There are certainly some benign usages of Hajji around, and I can easily see how soldiers, hearing Arabs, Kuwaitis, or Iraqis address each other–or their elders–as “hajji,” could adopt it with clean intent. Try justifying the phrase “mowing down some hajjis,” though. I dare you.
For the record, this has nothing to do with Gus Van Sant.


From Jay Price’s article in the Raleigh NandO: US Coalition US troops in Iraq have come up with this war’s equivalent of “kraut,” “slope,” or “gook.” They call everyone–everyone else, that is– “hajji.” It’s pronounced the way one soldier scrawled it on his footlocker, “Hodgie Killer.”
The ever-present, locally run on-base souvenir shops are called hajji shops; when there are several businesses together, they call it Hajji Town. Iraqis out the window of a Humvee, hajji. Kuwaitis and foreign contractors, hajji.
“This is more of a commonsense thing,” said [a CentCom spokesman in Baghdad]. “It’s like using any other derogatory word for a racial or ethnic group. Some may use it in a joking way, but it’s derogatory, and I’m sure people have tried to stop it.”
The original Hadji, except for the billion-plus Muslims in history who've made the hajj, of coursePretty spin-free, for now. Killing Goliath, who pointed me to the story, got an imaginary spokesman’s spin that we can only wish was true: it’s like the brotherly love of Jonny Quest and his best friend. “but not in a pederasty sort of way,” “said” the soldier.
The real problem is that, to Muslims, hajji is not derogatory at all; it’s Arabic for “pilgrim.” It’s a title of respect and faithfulness, signifying someone who’s completed the hajj.
Like gook and kraut, hajji is used to distance oneself and dehumanize the enemy. But unlike past slurs, including GWI favorites like “towel-head” and “sand n***er,” hajji also religionizes them. So while Lt Gen. William Boykin preaches with impunity at home about this war against Satan, our unwittingly valiant Christian soldiers are faithfully “mowing down some hajjis” on the front. And intensifying Muslim distrust and hatred of the US.
More later. I’m off to church to pray for forgiveness.
[post-church update: Price’s article ran on Oct. 2, and I can’t find a single other media source who reports on hajji. Please prove me wrong. An earlier web citation is from August 17, when a Lt Rob Douglas uses it in his letters home, which get published in his local paper.]
Further reading: War Slang: American Fighting Words and Phrases from the Civil War to the Gulf War by Paul Dickson and Paul McCarthy.]

Operation “Porsche 911”

While poking around The Memory Hole, I found a Reuters report of a 10.27 Spiegel cover story [English link] which gives many new details of the planning and execution of the September 11th attacks.
Spiegel bases their report on US interrogation transcripts of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and Ramzi Binalshibh. Germany is currently prosecuting several accessories to the plot, which was hatched in Hamburg. In various ways, the US is refusing to cooperate with the trial; the transcripts obtained by the Spiegel reporters had previously been denied to the court.
Two details: The US Capitol–not the White House–was the other intended target in Washington that day, and the terrorists use the code name, “Porsche 911” when discussing the plot on the phone.
Annoyingly, according to Google News, except for Wired News, which publishes the Reuters filing, no other US news outlet has mentioned this story.

Last Minute Halloween Costume Ideas

And I do mean last minute. Look at the time…

  • Dig up your VHS copies of Tarkovsky’s Andrei Rublev in the pristine, never-been-rented Kozmo.com boxes, put on some bikershorts, kneepads, and your Kozmo Goretex shell, and go as a lost delivery guy, like one of those Japanese soldiers who never heard the war was over. [note: doesn’t work if you’ve showered today. Or yesterday. And if you slept on the couch in your office.]
  • Put on a cashmere cableknit sweater, a suede jacket, and some loafers and go as Whit Stillman. [note: only works if you have showered today. And exfoliated. And hydrated.]
  • Put on a featherweight ice-climbing shell with more pockets than you know what to do with and a baseball cap and go as a director from Imagine.
  • Mosaic together a giant Powerpoint slide that says “Jobs Jobs Jobs Jobs” or “War War War War” all over it, sprayglue it to some foamcore, rig it into a backpack behind your head, and go as George Bush.
  • Wear whatever you’re wearing right now, don’t think about what you’re going to say, don’t even smooth your hair, and go as a guest star on K Street.
    Ladies and gentlemen, I think we have a winner.
    [update: I ended up going as pregnant by tying a feto of the world around my neck, a legacy of Jason‘s post about fetosoap. Moral: always keep a small pile of feti handy for parties.]

  • Sforzian Backstabbing

    Scott Sforza et al's now-controversial Mission Accomplished banner from Bush's tailhooking speech on the Abraham Lincoln

    Since before Elizabeth Bumiller came up with the term for the Times,
    I was a fan of Sforzian Backgrounds, the news-manipulating slogans created by Scott Sforza, a key member of the White House’s advance scenery and production team, for just about every public appearance of George W. Bush. [After giving up hope for a commentary track from Sforza himself, I wrote my own interpretive post for Bush’s trip to Africa last July.]
    And yet this week in a rare press conference, when he was asked about one of his Sforzian Backgrounds, Bush said, ” The ‘Mission Accomplished’ sign, of course, was put up by the members of the USS Abraham Lincoln, saying that their mission was accomplished. I know it was attributed some how to some ingenious advance man from my staff — they weren’t that ingenious, by the way.”
    Talking Points Memo’s Josh Marshall is rightly shocked, shocked, that Bush is trying to pin the background on the military. I hope the unsigned report in the Times is a placeholder for an impending Bumiller story. In the mean time, I’ll call George W. on his transparent lie: his advance men are ingenious. [And they were behind the banner.]
    In her first report on White House stagecraft, Bumiller reported that these advance men spent days “embedded” on the Abraham Lincoln staging the speech. “Sforza and his aides choreographed every aspect of the event.”
    Sforza positioned the audience/crew in the background according to their uniform color:bright turtlenecks on the fighter wing (a favorite Sforzian spot, by the way), Army standard [thanks, Dan!]Navy service khakis in the front row. And to help them blend in with the troops, he put Bush’s Secret Service detail in Top Gun-style bomber jackets rather than their typical G-Man suits. Meanwhile, Bob deServi, the White House cinematographer, went the extra mile, turning the aircraft carrier around in order 1) to show a background of open sea and not the nearby San Diego skyline, and 2) to get the “magic hour” light just so on his boss’s face. The banner is instantly recognizable as Sforza’s–and the White House’s–ingenious vision.
    The real question here is not who put up that banner, but why is Bush dishonestly and unfairly harshing on his loyal soldiers for it, both in the military and in the White House?
    Related: Sforza’s version of Out of Africa
    Whitehouse Stagecraft: Is this going to be on the DVD?